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The Blog

Join me every month while I dive into sessions, show examples of my work in more detail and give advice to other aspiring boudoir photographers on my blog.  What can you hope to achieve reading this blog? 

An inside look into creative sessions

Each month I try to experiment with at least one session, these are discounted sessions for clients who are happy to share images and if you'd like to be considered for a creative session please do subscribe for updates. These creative sessions usually create amazingly different photographs unlike most boudoir photographers in the UK and I am always striving for a uniqueness that aligns with my clients personality and individuality. 

More in-depth full sessions 

I also show more in-depth shoots from parties, cake smashes and engagements among other on location and studio portrait sessions for those wishing to see a more in depth look at how their shoots may look and what I can achieve. 

Studio Boundaries

The blog is also where you may wish to read my studio boundaries for Boudoir sessions, these boundaries differ from studio to studio and I want to be upfront about these before you enquire incase you are looking to create images with a partner or video footage etc. 

Some tips and tricks I've picked up 

I love everything about photography, I definitely identify as a bit of a photography nerd! As I buy new kit and experiment I hope to pass on some of the lessons I learn to other photography nerds! 

70s Aesthetic Porsche Lifestyle Shoot For Retro Electric

Updated: May 15

I was honoured to be asked to plan and execute a lifestyle shoot featuring an electric converted 1970s Porsche 911. I had a few days to put this shoot together and thankfully I had one of my closest friends on hand to model. Lottie is a sustainable fashion influencer columnist, lifestyle editor at Goodwood Revival and today also a model!

I reached out to the gorgeous Hannah at Unfauxgettable about a statement bouquet that could really elevate a few of the shots and to local event and wedding venue Frensham Heights about using the building as a location for part of the shoot. I also wanted the shoot to have a luxury element and therefore reached out to my family and friends and collected these beautiful Louis Vuitton bags from a local friend to use for the sheet. I only have Tesco's and Sainsbury's bags!!!

With fashion shoots I offer an end to end service so in this instance I led as creative director and photographer ensuring I curated the entire shoot.

A girl sits on a 1970s Porsche 911 at Frensham Heights

Lifestyle Shoot Aesthetic

I wanted to lean into the 1970s aspect of Porsche and the luxury feel so I chose an older building as the main location and shot this on a 35mm lens, a lens that would have been typically used in this time period.

I created a custom colour grade for this shoot to ensure that 70's feel.

A girl sits in a 1970s Porsche 911 at Frensham Heights holding a large white bouquet

Video Samples

As part of this project, I was also tasked with creating both a long horizontal video and short form videos for social media which you can see a sample of here, for the video I was keen for a story to be told and so the story is Lottie's day out in the Porsche. It includes various shots of her shopping, getting a coffee and driving down the road.

I wanted the aesthetic to continue throughout the video from the image set, so I created a custom LUT or colour grade to match the images.

Retro Electric

Retro Electric is an electric engine conversion company based in England. I spoke to Tim who owns Retro Electric about his customers and was surprised to learn that most of his customers are people who have owned a special car for a long time that has become unreliable and I have converted to Electric in order to continue to drive their beloved car that is also arguably a sustainable element to converting your old car to Electric.

Retro Electric also own the electric Wedding car company and you can hire an electric beetle for your Wedding car. I have also taken photos of this vehicle on another shot which you can see here! Isn't it lovely.

At first driving in an old car, that's been converted to. Electric is a little disconcerting due to the fact that the engine is completely silent!

A couple outside Lillibrooke Manor with a blue electric wedding car

Lottie Wright

Lottie and I met in lockdown through Instagram when we both ran sustainable fashion accounts upon realising we lived so close together we met in real life and have become close friends. Lottie is the model in the shoot and is also a columnist and lifestyle editor at Goodwood Revival.

Sitting inside The Greenhouse in Fleet, a porsche 911 is in the reflection


Hannah at unfauxgettable is an extremely talented faux flower artist, providing mostly hire and sale faux flowers for weddings and luxury events. Hannah's flowers can be hired and are everlasting, while being beautiful they are harder to destroy during a long hot shoot so seemed like the perfect choice for this.

A girl sits in a 1970s Porsche 911, reaches out to a YSL bag and flowers

Frensham Heights

French and Heights is a wedding venue based in the grounds of a private school in Farnham. Sorry it has gorgeous red brick walls and beautiful windows and provided the most stunning backdrop for these images and video.

A 1970s black porsche 911 on a road

The Main Gallery

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